I have a terrific book I bought when I first began yoga five years ago. It's called "Meditations from the Mat" by Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison. The structure of the book is daily reflections and there is a quote that precedes each one. They are essays on the yoga sutras peppered with Gates' own stories about his and his students' practices. And the following excerpt seemed a good way to sum up the week.
"I learn by going where I have to go." --Theodore RoethkeSo after a week where is my practice? Today my left hip seems tighter now than it did a week ago, the outer part of my thighs are killing me, and my left knee hurt while going into fixed firm pose {a surprise since fixed firm is usually a lovely vacation for me}. I also went deep into both sets of camel {which felt glorious} and touched my thumbs to my forehead in paschimotthanasa. Happily my friend Shelley came home with me after class and we had lunch and caught up, but when she left I passed out for two hours, exhausted. And I am running yet another load of laundry. Again.
.... The truth is, we are all so very, very vulnerable. Life is as it is. .... The only thing we can control is our attitude. We have the choice of life or death, love or fear, in each moment. And we bear the responsibility for that choice in each moment. Nowhere is this more apparent that when we embark on a regular yoga practice. We set out to better ourselves, only to find legions of reasons to break our commitment to health. We say it is too difficult to make the hard choice today. And yet the obstacles in our path are the path. Each time we stretch beyond our resistance and our fear, we make a choice for life. And every time we choose life, we find that fear loses its grip on us. We all know more than we think we do, and we are stronger than we believe ourselves to be. We come to our mats, and to our lives, to learn by going where we have to go."
Every day is different. Every practice is different. I learn by going where I have to go.
1 comment:
Roethke! Oh my gosh. Don't know if you'll see this comment, but I just came and read through your blog from the beginning, and you have NO idea how many times I've read that little villanelle and thought of my yoga practice. I wake to sleep and take my waking slow... yay. :) (My absolute favorite is still "I Knew a Woman"... so lyrical and sexy... been trying for weeks now to find the right blog post to weave that one into!)
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