Sorry for the blogging hiatus. I've been trying to find a balance these last few days. Thursday was so emotional. Friday (Day 25) I didn't make it to class. We had a huge event going on at our school and I spent the day on my feet photographing it. Technically, I got home with just enough time to get to class, but just didn't have the heart or energy for it. Saturday morning (Day 26) I was determined to get to the 9:30 class but forgot that on the weekends it's a 9 a.m. class and missed it. Luckily, I only live a couple of blocks away from the studio so I came home, left my bag by the door and my yoga clothes on, and cleaned house for an hour before going back for the 11 a.m. class. When I arrived, I saw Kyle, who had just finished teaching the 9 a.m. class, and told her that I was feeling, well, "challenged" by the Challenge. And she said, "It's storytime! Come over here and I'll tell you my story."
And she did. It's a long story, and not mine to tell, but it's all about how this yoga is a cleansing and restorative practice in ALL ways. There's the physical benefits -- working all the systems, muscles, organs, tissues in the body, healing old injuries, and creating strength and flexibility; but there's also the emotional and mental benefits. We hold so much in our bodies and this practice brings old issues, heartbreaks, and disappointments to the surface and offers us release. The crying, frustration, anger, shame, you name it, that wash over me in class are outlets for crap I've been carrying around for who knows how long. It's a gift to be able to let it go.
It helps so much to know we are not alone. Listening to Kyle, I felt a shift occur. I can do this. And on the days when it hurts the most in any way; those are the days I'm receiving the most benefit.
I had a solid class with Abby and then went home to find that J.R had finished up the house cleaning and started the laundry. I went to the grocery store, had my hair cut and colored, and then cooked a meal for dear friends I hadn't seen in a while. After dinner, J.R. left for a concert (he owns a record label) and I puttered in the kitchen cleaning up and enjoying quiet time with the cats, feeling much more grounded.
This morning (Day 27) I woke up early enough to have a hard boiled egg, a kiwi, and a cup of tea and to read of bit of the NY Times before heading off to Kyle's 9 a.m. class. It was a great one! Kyle decided today that we needed to smile because "Smiling is how we tell ourselves we're having a good time." So we practiced with smiles on our faces and I worked hard, trying to make the corrections she gave and enjoying the praise for my Locust. And then it happened. I came out of my first set of Camel, lay down in Savasana and a wave of euphoria swept over me. Blessed be!
The rest of the day was just a quiet day at home with J.R. and the kitties. It was such a relief to be home in a clean house with no chores to do or places to be. I took a delicious nap and was aware that I was happy.
This week has been such a roller coaster. I'm hoping that in the week to come I'll be able to more accepting of WHATEVER comes up in the yoga studio and in my life.
Before and After
9 years ago