Friday, March 5, 2010

Days 31 & 32: Oh, The Places You'll Go!

I miss my practice. I knew I would miss Friday night because I would be in DC for work during the day, wasn't sure exactly when I'd return {because of traffic mostly}, and I was planning on having dinner with my best friend from high school. Well, Kimberly broke two of her toes earlier this week when a wine bottle fell from the top of her fridge onto her foot {I've heard of hurting from too much wine, but this is ridiculous!}, so then I planned to go to Friday at 6 after all. Then I came home on Thursday night and J.R. asked for my help with a Photoshop problem and I felt like I really hadn't seen him much lately, and he was going to be away for the weekend, so I said, "Why don't I just skip practice tonight and we'll have dinner and hang out and I can make it up tomorrow night?" I'd also been harboring thoughts of attempting my first double on Saturday morning, so it seemed like a good plan.

Thursday night was fun {although I looked at the clock every once in a while and thought, "They're just going into Awkward Pose now." etc.}. We ate too much sushi, played Life {which is a seriously messed-up game for anyone who hasn't played since they were a kid} and just enjoyed each other's company.

Today was unexpectedly tiring. We were stuck in traffic for two and a half hours coming home and I realized there was no way I could make it to class. My heart sank. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home, picked up the ingredients for dinner with friends tomorrow night and a package of fancy {not Mrs. T's} pierogies for dinner to soothe my soul.

Now it's 10:08 and I feel HEAVY from the pierogies {which were not very good} and thirsty and I MISS MY YOGA! I never thought that would happen -- about the pierogies or the missed classes. My body knows what it wants, and it does not want a giant plate of potatoes and cheese tucked inside pasta. It wants gallons of ice water, a hot humid room, and a teacher exhorting me to kick, kick, KICK!

And then, I opened the following e-mail from my mom:
I tried to reply to your blog but, inept as I am, I’m sure I didn’t complete the circuit! This is so difficult for you, and for many reasons that I may not understand (I’m sorry if I don’t, I know I should!) but remember the stool I made for you….that’s probably at a consignment store by now, but "Oh the places you can go!!!!!!" Maybe you never quite got that, maybe it’s my fault, but I still believe it!  It wasn’t just another needlepoint piece, it was and is something I truly believe! I could never put my body through the rigors that you’re going through (and my body is grateful) but I admire you and love you for the gallant effort! You’re so very special and if this insane, hot, sweaty, rigorous exercise gets you there, I’m happy for you! It’s so exciting to see you meet the challenge and stick with it. I’m not surprised -- you fought for the big hair, going to Scotland and being your own person, (some humor and A LOT of truth). Never forget the many people who love you and admire you, with or without the Bikram Yoga Challenge! 

Know that we support you because we love you, 
your sweet mother
I love my mom and I have never doubted her love or support for one second, but an e-mail like that does take your breath away! The stool she's referring to is a large, square footstool that she needlepointed {a LOT of white background} as my graduation gift from college. The artwork is the cover to the Dr. Seuss book "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" and features a character being carried away by balloon. Next time I am slogging away in the doldrums of class, I'll remember her words and that buoyant book cover.

Thanks mom! I love you too!


Amy said...

Aren't we lucky to have wonderful moms who love us? Sounds like I will see you this morning in class. YAY!
I can relate to looking at the clock and thinking about what they are doing in class - we need to let go of that and be in the moment, wherever we are.

kyle said...

Leave it to a mother to say exactly the right thing at the right time!!!

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