Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 37: OUCH!

It is 6:45 p.m. Class starts in 15 minutes and I am not going. My back is KILLING me. It has all day. I'm thinking it was the really deep Camel from last night. I've taken a large amount of Advil and an epsom salt bath and it's no better. Not even a smidge.

Up until about 20 minutes ago, I thought I was still going. I'm in a Challenge for a reason after all. I know that people come to class not feeling all that great and that the purpose of the yoga is to FIX your body. I thought I would just tell Kyle that my back really hurts today and I would do the best I can.

And then I started reviewing the postures in my head. Half Moon? Ouch! Standing Head to Knee? Ouch! Triangle? Ouch. THE ENTIRE FLOOR SERIES? OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!

I will admit to being a weenie. I just couldn't face it.

And now I have to face you and tell you I couldn't do it. It's amazing the sense of responsibility I feel towards an audience I cannot see and, in some cases, do not know.

And right when I was writing this, I heard that funny popping sound that means someone is messaging me on Facebook. It's Kyle, who has traded with Abby and wants to know if I'm going to class. I tell her the whole sorry story and she tells me I was right to take a night off, but to make sure I go back tomorrow and work it through, being careful of the back and forward bends.

I cannot tell you how much better this makes me feel. Even though for me, the object of the Challenge is to get to a place where a regular practice is a necessity in my life and not just an aspiration, I still feel like a truant when I miss a class.

And now I am going to take the rest of her advice and find my hot water bottle and rest!

See you tomorrow!


Amy said...

Your body was telling you that it needed to rest. I'm glad you listened and took the night off. I sometimes wonder if my back will feel better if I go to yoga, and often it does. Yesterday, I had a killer headache which is unusual for me. I was tired and sore from the morning workout, but I just took it easy through the postures and used them to stretch. It felt good - we don't always have to be superstars! I might be there tonight at 7 depending on the day goes!

Catherine said...

It's amazing the sense of responsibility I feel towards an audience I cannot see and, in some cases, do not know.

Me too. Isn't it an odd, yet wonderful, feeling? I know that I'd never be where I am in my little challenge if it weren't for these strangers keeping me accountable, in a way.

Hope that your back is feeling better, and you're taking good care of yourself!

bikramyogachick said...

You listened to your body! That's important.
Now suck that stomach in today and roll over instead of doing situps if you have to. :)

kyle said...

Have a great class tonight!! This page is so fancy now!! love it!

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